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The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition

Written By Haqua on Sunday, November 24, 2013 | 2:54 AM

Book Description:

C++  feels  like a new  language.  That is,  I  can  express  my  ideas  more  clearly, more  simply, and more  directly  in  C++11  than  I  could  in  C++98. Furthermore,  the  resulting  programs  are  better checked by the compiler and run faster.

In  this  book,  I  aim  for completeness. I describe  every  language  feature  and  standard-library component that a professional programmer is likely to need. For each, I provide:

• Rationale: What kinds of problems is it designed to help solve?  What principles underlie the design? What are the fundamental limitations?
• Speci?cation: What is its de?nition? The level of detail is chosen for the expert program- mer; the aspiring language lawyer can follow the many references to the ISO standard.
• Examples: How can it be used well by itself and in combination with other features? What are the key techniques and idioms? What are the implications for maintainability and per- formance?

The use of C++ has changed dramatically over the years and so has the language itself. From the point  of  view of a programmer, most  of  the  changes  have  been  improvements.  The current  ISO standard C++ (ISO/IEC 14882-2011, usually called C++11) is simply a far better tool for writing quality software than were previous versions.  How is it a better tool? What kinds of programming styles and techniques does modern C++ support? What language and standard-library features sup- port  those  techniques? What  are  the  basic  building  blocks  of  elegant,  correct,  maintainable,  and ef?cient C++ code? Those are the key questions answered by this book. Many answers are not the same as you would ?nd with 1985, 1995, or 2005 vintage C++: progress happens.

C++ is a general-purpose programming language emphasizing the design and use of type-rich, lightweight  abstractions. It  is  particularly  suited  for  resource-constrained  applications,  such  as those found in software infrastructures. C++ rewards the programmer who takes the time to master techniques for writing quality code. C++ is a language for someone who takes the task of program- ming seriously. Our civilization depends critically on software; it had better be quality software.

There  are  billions  of  lines  of  C++  deployed.  This puts  a  premium  on  stability, so 1985  and 1995 C++ code still works and will continue to work for decades. However,  for all applications, you can do better with modern C++; if you stick to older styles, you will be writing lower-quality and  worse-performing  code. The  emphasis  on  stability  also  implies  that  standards-conforming code you write today will still work a couple of decades from now.  All code in this book conforms to the 2011 ISO C++ standard.

This book is aimed at three audiences:
• C++ programmers who want to know what the latest ISO C++ standard has to offer,
• C programmers who wonder what C++ provides beyond C, and
• People  with  a  background  in  application  languages,  such  as  Java, C#,  Python,  and  Ruby,
looking for something ‘‘closer to the machine’’ – something more ?exible, something offer- ing better compile-time checking, or something offering better performance.

What features does C++11 offer over and above C++98?  A machine model suitable for modern computers  with  lots  of  concurrency.  Language  and  standard-library  facilities  for  doing  systems- level concurrent  programming  (e.g.,  using  multicores). Regular  expression  handling,  resource management  pointers,  random  numbers,  improved containers  (including,  hash  tables),  and  more. General and uniform initialization, a simpler for-statement, move semantics, basic Unicode support, lambdas, general constant expressions, control over class defaults, variadic templates, user-de?ned literals, and more. Please remember that those libraries and language features exist to support pro- gramming techniques for developing quality software.  They are meant to be used in combination – as bricks in a building set – rather than to be used individually in relative isolation to solve a spe- ci?c problem. A computer is a universal machine, and C++ serves it in that capacity. In particular, C++’s design aims to be suf?ciently ?exible and general to cope with future problems undreamed of by its designers.

Book Details:

By Bjarne Stroustrup
Published May 9, 2013 by Addison-Wesley Professional.
1366 Pages

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